Privacy policy

Protection and Use of your Information

We ask for information about you so you can receive the best possible care and treatment.  We keep this information, together with details of your care, to ensure that your Doctor or Nurse has accurate and up to date information.  It also may be needed if we see you again. 

There are times when we have to pass on information about you to other people, such as hospitals, Social Services or the Health Authority.  This is always done confidentially or by removing your identifying details when they are not essential.  Information is NOT shared with any third party outside the Health Service (e.g. employer, solicitor, insurance company) without your written consent.  We are obliged by law to provide certain information, e.g. notification of certain infectious diseases.

Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to maintain the highest level of confidentiality about patient information.

Fair Processing (Privacy) Notice

Access to Medical Records leaflet